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Functional Movement Training

This type of training addresses less then optimal length/tension relationships of muscles/muscle groups as well as core strength (ie. TVA and glute max).

Enhanced Mobility

Functional Movement Therapy focuses on restoring optimal movement patterns, leading to increased joint flexibility and improved overall mobility.

Injury Prevention

By identifying and addressing movement imbalances, Functional Movement Therapy helps reduce the risk of injuries during physical activities and daily routines.

Personalized Rehabilitation

This therapy offers tailored exercises and techniques to rehabilitate specific movement issues, aiding individuals in their recovery from injuries or surgeries.

Performance Optimiszation

FMT can enhance athletic and functional performance by optimizing movement efficiency and coordination, leading to better results in sports and everyday activities.

Functional Movement Therapy is a specialized approach aimed at restoring and optimizing the intricate interplay between muscles, joints, and the nervous system to achieve harmonious movement patterns within the body. Muscles exhibit an ideal range of length and tone, essential for efficient and pain-free movement. However, factors like stress, repetitive motions, and injuries can disrupt this equilibrium, resulting in deviations from the optimal state.


These deviations manifest in several ways:


  1. Long/Underactive Muscles: Prolonged periods of inactivity or neglect can cause certain muscles to become elongated and underactive. As a consequence, they might not provide adequate support or stabilization during movement, leading to compensatory patterns and potential joint instability.

  2. Short/Overactive Muscles: Muscles that are frequently engaged or subjected to excessive stress can become shortened and overactive. This can disrupt the balance between agonist and antagonist muscles, potentially leading to restricted joint mobility and imbalanced movement mechanics.

  3. Long/Overactive Muscles: In some cases, a muscle can become both long and overactive. This paradoxical state can generate excessive tension and strain within the muscle, affecting its function and creating dysfunctional movement patterns.


The consequence of these muscle imbalances is the development of painful and dysfunctional movement patterns that not only limit performance but also increase the likelihood of sustaining injuries. Functional Movement Therapy employs a multifaceted approach to address these issues:


  • Muscle Activation and Inhibition: Specific exercises and techniques are used to activate underactive muscles and release tension in overactive ones, rebalancing the muscle dynamics.

  • Joint Mobilization and Stability: Functional Movement Therapy focuses on improving joint mobility through gentle mobilization techniques while concurrently enhancing stability in surrounding muscles.

  • Neuromuscular Re-education: Therapists guide individuals through movement patterns that retrain the nervous system and reinforce proper muscle activation and coordination.

  • Individualized Treatment Plans: Functional Movement Therapy is highly personalized. Therapists assess movement patterns, identify imbalances, and design tailored interventions that address each individual's unique needs and goals.

  • Injury Prevention and Performance Enhancement: By restoring optimal movement patterns, Functional Movement Therapy not only reduces the risk of injuries caused by dysfunctional movement but also enhances overall physical performance in sports, exercise, and daily activities.


In essence, Functional Movement Therapy is a holistic and proactive approach that seeks to reestablish the body's natural movement harmony, promoting pain-free, efficient, and resilient functional movement for improved quality of life.

Contrast Therapy

Also known as Viking baths or hot-cold therapy, is a form of treatment that involves alternating exposure to hot and cold temperatures to promote various health benefits. It has been used for centuries in different cultures and is popular in Scandinavian countries, hence the name "Viking baths."


The therapy typically involves immersing or exposing the body to hot water or heat, followed by exposure to cold water or ice. The alternation between these two extremes causes blood vessels to dilate and constrict, which can lead to several positive physiological effects.


Hot Phase

During the hot phase, you are exposed to elevated temperatures in my infrared sauna.

The hot phase increases blood flow to the skin and muscles, promoting relaxation and vasodilation (widening of blood vessels).

The heat also stimulates sweat production, aiding in the elimination of toxins and waste products from the body.

Intricate Snowflake

Cold Phase

The cold phase involves exposure to cold through the form of an ice bath. There is no actual ice in the bath, the water is filtered and cooled to a specific temperature.

The cold temperature causes vasoconstriction, narrowing the blood vessels, and reducing blood flow to the skin's surface.

This cold-induced vasoconstriction helps to reduce inflammation and swelling, numbs nerve endings, and alleviates pain.

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Alternate Cold & Hot Phases

The key component of contrast therapy is the alternation between the hot and cold phases.


The rapid shifts in blood flow from vasodilation to vasoconstriction and vice versa are believed to enhance circulation and create a "pumping" effect in the blood vessels, facilitating the removal of waste products and promoting nutrient delivery to tissues.


Contrast therapy may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with cardiovascular issues, hypertension, or Raynaud's disease. It's essential to consult a healthcare professional before attempting contrast therapy.

Gradually increase the intensity of contrast between hot and cold temperatures to avoid shocking the body.

Avoid prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures to prevent burns or frostbite.


Overall, contrast therapy, or Viking baths, can offer a range of health benefits when used correctly and safely. However, it's crucial to consider individual health conditions and consult a medical professional before incorporating this therapy into your routine.


There have been several scientific studies investigating the effects of contrast therapy or hot-cold treatments. It's important to note that research in this area is ongoing, and new studies may have been published since then. 

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